How Can You Tell If a Cohiba Behike is Real

The Cohiba Behike stands at the apex of the cigar industry, renowned for its exquisite blend, unparalleled craftsmanship, and status as one of the most luxurious cigars available. Due to its prestige and high demand, the Behike has become a prime target for counterfeiters. 

Discerning a genuine cigar from a fake is crucial for aficionados seeking the authentic Cohiba experience. 

This guide will teach you how to identify genuine Cohiba Behike cigars, thus helping you ensure that your investment is in the genuine luxury and heritage of the Cohiba brand.

Essential Tips to Help You Spot Fake Cohiba Behike Cigars 

By following these guidelines, you'll recognize counterfeit products instantly.


Authentic Cohiba Behike

Counterfeit Cohiba Behike

Band Design

Gold holographic elements

Lacks holography

Pigtail Cap

Perfectly coiled

Poorly imitated

Wrapper Sheen

Oily and flawless

Dull or blemished

Triple Cap

Precisely applied

Sloppily executed

Barcode Verification

Unique, scannable

Missing or invalid


Crisp, pronounced

Flat, vague

Color Consistency


Varied shades


Rich, complex

Unpleasant, simplistic

Foot Construction

Tightly packed, even

Loosely filled, inconsistent

Band Design

The genuine Cohiba Behike features intricate gold holographic elements that are specifically engineered to be difficult to replicate. Authentic bands showcase the Cohiba head logo and the Behike name with such finesse that they appear almost three-dimensional under light.

Counterfeit bands, on the other hand, may lack the holography altogether or present it in a way that appears flat and lifeless. The absence of depth and the often misaligned or blurred printing are telltale signs of a fake.

Pigtail Cap

The pigtail cap of an authentic cigar is a hallmark of the expert craftsmanship that goes into its making. Perfectly coiled, it sits atop the cigar as a signature of quality, executed with a precision that is challenging for counterfeiters to mimic. 

In fake versions, the pigtail cap is often poorly replicated, lacking the tightness and symmetry of the authentic one. The cap may be loosely applied or appear as an afterthought, significantly detracting from the cigar's overall presentation and signaling its dubious origins.

Wrapper Sheen

The wrapper of a genuine cigar boasts an oily sheen, reflecting the high quality of the tobacco leaf and the meticulous fermentation process it undergoes. This sheen contributes to a smoother smoking experience, indicative of the Behike's luxurious quality.

Counterfeit cigars typically exhibit a wrapper that is dull and lacks the vibrant sheen of an authentic one. The presence of blemishes or an inconsistent texture further reveals the inferior quality of the tobacco used, a clear departure from the standards upheld by Cohiba.

Triple Cap

The application of a triple cap on an original cigar is a testament to the skill of the torcedores (cigar rollers) who craft each piece. This method, requiring precision and expertise, ensures a flawless finish and contributes to the cigar's durability and aesthetic.

Counterfeit Cohiba Behikes often reveal their lack of authenticity through a sloppily executed cap, which may be hastily applied and lacks the neatness of a genuine triple cap. The craftsmanship is visibly inferior, signaling a non-original product.

Barcode Verification

Each genuine Cohiba Behike comes with a unique, scannable barcode that allows for verification of its authenticity directly through official channels. This feature provides an added layer of security and peace of mind for connoisseurs.

Fake ones lack this crucial verification feature, presenting either no barcode or one that does not pass the authenticity check. The absence or invalidity of the barcode is a clear indication of a fake cigar.


The embossing on a genuine band is crisp and pronounced, adding a tactile dimension to its detailed design. This feature is difficult for counterfeiters to replicate with the same level of clarity and texture.

On counterfeit cigars, the embossing is often flat or vague, lacking the definition and finesse found on authentic bands. 

Color Consistency

Uniformity in color across the wrapper is a sign of the rigorous selection process and quality control that Cohiba adheres to. Each Behike exhibits a consistent hue, indicative of the premium leaves selected for its construction.

Variations in the shade of the wrapper, or the presence of discoloration, often plague non-original cigars, revealing a lack of attention to detail and the use of inferior tobacco.


The aroma of the original cigar is rich and complex, a prelude to the exceptional smoking experience it promises. This complexity is a direct result of the blend of premium tobaccos and the meticulous aging process they undergo.

Counterfeits often emit an unpleasant or overly simplistic aroma that lacks the depth and richness characteristic of an authentic one. This immediate sensory discrepancy can alert an aficionado to the cigar's inauthenticity.

Foot Construction

The foot of a genuine cigar is tightly packed and even, showcasing the uniformity and precision of its construction. This attention to detail ensures an even burn and optimal draw, enhancing the smoking experience.

A loosely filled or unevenly constructed foot is common in counterfeit cigars, indicative of hasty and careless assembly. Such defects compromise the burn and are not found in authentic Cohiba cigars.

Conducting the Cohiba Behike Test

Performing the cigar test on a Cohiba Behike is an essential step for aficionados to confirm its authenticity, especially when the cigar's provenance is in question

Upon cutting the cigar, the filler should predominantly showcase long, whole tobacco leaves, a testament to the "tripa larga" construction that defines premium cigars. This method ensures a complex and satisfying smoking experience and signifies care and expertise. 

The consistency and uniformity in the distribution of the tobacco leaves are crucial indicators of authenticity, reflecting the meticulous selection process of the finest leaves.

The price of a cigar can often give clues about its authenticity, and the Cohiba Behike is no exception. Here's a brief overview:

  • Authentic Cohiba Behike: Prices can vary greatly depending on the specific Behike (BHK 52, 54, or 56), but generally, they range from $50 to over $100 per cigar in markets outside of Cuba. 
  • Fake Cohiba Behike: These may be found at significantly lower prices, often too good to be true, such as under $30 per cigar. This substantial price difference is a red flag, signaling a compromise in quality and authenticity.

The cigar test, coupled with a discerning look at the price, forms a comprehensive approach to ensuring the cigar in your hand is genuine. You will be able to fully enjoy the prestige and pleasure that comes with smoking one of the world's most sought-after cigars.

The Legacy of Cohiba Behike Cigars

The inception of the Cohiba Behike line marked a pinnacle moment in the annals of cigar history, introduced as the epitome of the Cohiba brand's innovation and tradition. 

Launched to commemorate Cohiba's 40th anniversary in 2006, the line was initially released in extremely limited quantities, making it an instant legend among aficionados. This line is named in honor of the tribal chief of the Taíno Indians, the original inhabitants of Cuba. 

The blend is crafted with the rare "medio tiempo" leaf, which contributes to its distinctive flavor profile. This blend, coupled with unparalleled craftsmanship, sets the Behike apart as a symbol of luxury and exclusivity in the cigar world, cementing its status as one of the most sought-after cigars on the market.

At Online Cigars, our dedication to ensuring the authenticity of every cigar in our collection is unwavering. Trust in our expertise and commitment to quality as you explore the distinguished world of genuine Cuban cigars.